Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Waiting on Superman, Ip Man, and anyone else kick ass at this point...

Spent some time with friends last night. Needed time, honestly. Just a few beers and a kung-fu movie that we took a chance on buying at Blockbuster. The movie was Ip Man, a film about the life of a kung fu master who never had a student until his people were over-run by the Japanese in the early 1900's.

This man, who was peaceful and enjoyed the art of kung-fu utilized his skill when needed to inspire, free, and gather his people to unity and action. It makes me wonder what things in my life I call normal or mundane that will one day be utilized for someone (or a whole people's) benefit. I wonder if this is one of the reasons God sent Jesus, because we
are ALL God's children, and God would not let us fall too far from grace, and Jesus was with those while he was on earth who were dangling towards the edge of grace (if there is an edge at all).

I worry a lot. Honestly. Too much.

For instance, when watching the movie, I related to so much of it...but only in theories and thoughts and the leathery skin I got from goosebumps when he fought for a bag of rice to feed his family. This saddens me so much.

Will I ever be given the opportunity?
If I am, will I be able to go beyond self and live for others?
Do I do that now?

I thoroughly believe that Jesus is the example of this, living with and healing people because He loved them, not because of simple need but because of desire. Waiting on someone else to stand with is futile, we are all a community that God desires, and this is seen in Jesus Christ and the works of the Holy Spirit in the early church up to now. Standing with Jesus, is standing with God, is standing with ALL of Humanity with eyes of fiery desire to see us healed and blessed.

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