“Its alright, Its alright, She moves in mysterious way...cloud by day, fire by night” U2, or Moses (your pick)
“For wisdom is more mobile than any motion; because of her pureness she pervades and penetrates all things. For she is a breath of the power of God, and a pure emanation of the glory of the Almighty; therefore nothing defiled gains entrance into her...Although she is but one, she can do all things, and while remaining in herself, she renews all things; in every generation she passes into holy souls and makes them friends of God, and prophets.” The Wisdom of Solomon 7:24-25, 27
Why does it seem the church lacks beautiful analogies and language about God in our theology, or even daily life? Have we come to some conclusion that rock-solid trumps breath-taking? I hope not. Often, I am tempted to believe what holds more facts rather than what inspires me beyond myself just due to my senses is better or higher in the spiritual life. My wife is the object of my affection, and there are times I can just look at her and be taught about beauty. We are blessed to live close to the Bay in South Texas, and the water allows us to center ourselves and keep us grounded that our daily 40hr jobs and school isn't all there is, and some large being we call God is in some sort of control and at minimum has allowed us to see some of what he/she set into motion. We say nothing, we often keep silent in front of such majestic views and that is the best answer for the time. But if we were to say something, what would it be? Would it be language about how factual the sun radiated from the clouds or the moon reflected on the H2O particles? Of course not, and that is not a shit on science, but a practical allowance to say nothing and it be a valid answer.
The language of Wisdom of Solomon sited above is just as effective in this Apocrypha account as it is in the account of Proverbs in Canonized scripture. If we continue the theme of Wisdom as feminine character, would Grace become feminine since she is in many ways the 'emphasis word' in the New Testament?
I would personally prefer Grace to be a bad-ass with some tattoos and a switchblade and short hair, like something out of a Social Distortion song, but then again we are all coming to define beauty in our own ways. The writers of the New Testament mention wisdom less than grace and yet if they were in the same room, they would be making out and probably seeking a dark corner to continue their relationship. Talking and being with one another, as if they have always been meant for each other, realize that they are both misunderstood and both have a lot more to give then the boxes of theology they are accustomed too allow them. They would weep together and seek ways to consummate their
relationship, revealing to the world that they are one, they cleave to one another as a legitimate relationship that deserves credit and value in times past and today.
Before you choose to make me more of a heretic than is popular to think of, think of how the scripture uses sex as a way of commitment and relationship...David and Jonathan had something going on, we are the Bride of Christ and Song of Solomon says He wants that relationship consummated and that is more than parts and labor, it is keeping oneself attached too, deciding to cleave to one another. This is one reason why I feel if we were to personify Grace and Wisdom, they would be a couple. A couple that would show us a thing or two about how wrong we are to be anti-_____ and never seek them out to understand. There is a sensuality about Grace, when we learn about her, as much as Solomon was
enticed by Wisdom and begged for it from Yahweh, for many of us in church leadership we have learned to be 'lovers of Grace'.
The Wisdom of Solomon book allows us to see that Wisdom is an element of God's character in power, but not its complete power. That is the thing we often forget about God, that God is not one thing but many and desires multiple facets of use and view. What would happen, though, if wisdom was a symbol of the people of God in a right relationship and if that was tainted it would again need a Redeemer, found in Christ and his allotment of Grace by the Holy Spirit? What if Jesus took the wicked wisdom of even Solomon who sold away his wisdom to wives and concubines and matched her with Grace, Redeeming her to us, so we can see salvation in a beautiful and visual way that inspires us all to have better relationship with God and humanity?
Recently, I attended a sermon where the story of Ruth was retold in a way of Grace and Redeemer as characters rather than the names of people. It allowed me to see what would happen when Beauty was found by Strength and produces Grace as a child and later we would see Jesus Christ from that lineage. When Paul talks about grace being the way we get saved, with faith in Jesus Christ and his kingdom we have gained entrance too, the statement on grace qualifies responsibility. The part of the Wisdom of Solomon and Proverbs about what wisdom cannot do, Grace can do, emphasizes that what Paul calls
'fruit of the world' has no part in her, but that what 'you once were, has been redeemed in Christ'. This is why Grace and Wisdom make such a great couple!
What Grace and Wisdom produce in history and our personal lives is important. Does it produce some sense of piety that we set ourselves as the “grace group” and others are “ill equipped” to teach us? Sometimes, I have learned, my enemies are the best teachers of where I am at. What do I produce in the face of adversity, in front of a world that is watching and seeing what I do with Jesus and the Bible and holiness? If I use it as a heirchical system to judge others, I have taken the place of judge, a place that even Jesus didn't take very often even with women caught in adultery.
I believe the intimate language of wisdom in Wisdom of Solomon, Proverbs, and other poetry books allows for a more inclusive message for all genders, for the 'community of eunuchs' that are single, and the LGBTQ community that deeply desires a relationship with a God of scripture that allows them the same treatment and equality in being 'formed into the character and righteousness of Christ” without judgment. I was able to attend a full season of Advent last year, and wondered what Jesus would bring to today's world. He
would surely be found in bars, gay clubs, tattoo shops, and the mansions of the wealthy showing that a Kingdom has come that will even it all out and we can “see each other” outside the standard of society, and even if society doesn't change, we can and we can create a better world for those ignored. Sadly, Jesus wouldn't be found often in churches like he wasn't found often in the synagogues of his day unless he felt like making a whip
of chords again, which wouldn't surprise me really.
Go and as Advent season comes along, seek out Wisdom and Grace in your sermons, daily meetings, in the faces of children, in your pastors bagged eyes, tearful folks at altars, in coworkers, everywhere. Be the people of God, giving freely the things of love and peace and mercy. I love you all. She moves in mysterious ways, and I'm learning more everyday to dance that dance! Thanks be to God.